Suncream donations sought by Laois homelessness charity - Laois Live

2022-08-13 08:10:21 By : Ms. Null Yi

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Suncream donations sought by Laois homelessness charity

A Laois homelessness charity is appealing for donations of bottles of sunscreen, as well as runners. 

Portlaoise Action to Homelessness (PATH) volunteers travel without fail every weekend and now Wednesdays too, up to Dublin's streets. They bring local donations of food and other items for people living rough, hail rain or snow, or heatwaves.

They have made a special appeal for their trip this Saturday as Ireland continues to bake in a heatwave of up to 30c.

PATH made their request in a update on their trip to the city on Wednesday, August 10.

"It was a very warm night in Dublin tonight and our homeless friends were extremely grateful to see us. We had plenty of water and cool drinks to give them as well as fresh sandwiches, buns and chicken curry for those who needed a hot meal.

"We were asked for sun cream which we didn't have so if anyone would like to donate some we can bring it up on Saturday.

"A lot of our homeless friends were saying how they are trying to find as much shade as possible during the day but that they won't complain about being out in the heat as they will have many cold wet nights ahead for the rest of the year.

"We have a lot of people looking for runners. If you have runners in decent condition please consider donating them to us. We need all sizes for both men and women. Please make sure they are in wearable condition."

The group gave examples of the people they helped.

"In Inchicore a young mum came to our van. She was just passing with 2 young kids and asked if we would have any spare food. We gave her a big bag with fruit, sandwiches, treats and drinks. She also got some hot dinners.

"In the city centre we met a young girl who was very distraught, looking for clothes as everything she had was taken. We were able to look after her.

"Another chap will be spending his first night on the streets and was quite nervous. We told him to ring the free phone number to see if there are any beds available for him. We gave him a sleeping bag and tent just in case.

As always they are supported greatly by Laois volunteers and by donations from local restaurants.

"Thanks to our sandwich makers tonight Collette, Margaret, Sheila, Catriona and Phyllis. Thanks also Marie and Wendy for their donations and to the Hares Corner for their delicious Chicken curry. Thanks to Kathleen/Mary for the garlic bread which always goes down a treat!. Thanks to the person who left a box of toiletries to our van today. Thanks also to Nicole and Carmel who travelled with us tonight and Shane did our teas/coffees. Until Wednesday stay safe and be kind. Regards Irene, Seamus and Martin".

Donations can be dropped to Portlaoise Parish Centre or to their van any Wednesday or Saturday. If anyone wants to donate money to their Revolut account PATH will buy runners, 0876418358)."

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The supermoon in Laois on August 11, Pic: Terry Byrne Photography

Credit: Laois Fire and Rescue

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