Tips to prevent infections in kids and pets during Monsoons/ flu season | THE TIMES OF BENGAL

2022-09-03 03:46:04 By : Ms. Wendy Wei

 Monsoons, one word which helps us fantasise season’s beauty, the refreshing smell of the earth, pleasant weather, greenery and colourful flowers. However, it also brings along with it: mud puddles, overflowing drainage, germs and bacteria, all leading to seasonal flu.

Children become easy targets for seasonal flu, as they enjoy playing outside in constantly changing weather and even during the rainfall. Playing out in dirt and mud brings germs and bacteria home, which are highly active and contagious in this season. Even adults carry harmful germs and bacteria through their shoes, other daily objects and unwashed hands, thus making the entire family prone to infection.

While we cannot stop going out in our day-to-day lives, we can control the germs and bacteria we bring along. It all depends on how thoroughly we clean our house to get rid of the germs, bacteria and dirt to prevent everyone at home from getting any infection.

Aarti Oberoi, a mother and homemaker, said, “I always get troubled whenever I see my children come home from school or after playtime. The fear of them bringing in infections is a constant worry. Their feet and clothes are always dirty, and they casually walk inside the house, putting their footprints all over the floor. Our dog, Coco, also contributes to making the house muddy. While getting rid of germs is a priority, We try and avoid using excessive chemicals around my kids. Instead we use 100% natural action neem based floor cleaner, Nimyle. Nimyle cleans and gets rid of all the germs naturally, leaving a fresh long lasting smell. Being free from all the harmful chemicals, Nimyle is also safe for pets, so we can relax even when Coco is lying on the floor.”

Here are some suggestions to protect children from infection:

·         Clean up – cleaning yourself after getting wet in the rain or playing in the puddles is mandatory. Children can always come home and take a quick shower to get rid of germs and dirt. Adding one cap of Neem oil to your water bucket also helps kill the germs.

·         Monsoon gears – Ensure kids always leave their homes with a raincoat or umbrella to prevent them from getting drenched in the rain.

·         Clothing – wear loose-fitting cotton clothes as light cotton clothes also allow the skin to breathe and keep it dry to an extent. Also, always carry a jacket with you, as it gets chilly during rain.

Most Indian families now have pet dogs in their homes, and managing them in this season really gets tricky as you have to follow their routine irrespective of the weather. Dogs love going out and have their fair share of fun and play, especially in parks and gardens, which bring them closer to germs and ticks.

Sangita Gopinath, a pet parent in Bangalore, said, “As seasons change, we alter our lifestyles to suit the new conditions, and pet care in monsoon and flu season is no different. Dog care in this season will differ in every household as it depends on your dog’s lifestyle, age and specific needs. My pup Lexie used to get troubled with skin infections caused by germs on the floor and harsh chemicals, which were present in my previous floor cleaner. The situation changed since we switched to Nimyle, a 100% natural action floor cleaner by ITC. Besides having anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, Nimyle is a herbal product powered by goodness of neem, making it safe for the pet’s skin.”

Here are some other suggestions to protect your fur babies from infections this flu season:

·         Ear cleaning – after a fun time in the park, it is crucial to dry their ears and clear the wax built up as they become very moist due to the weather. Along with ear cleaning, also keep the dog’s fur as dry as possible to avoid any kind of infection.

·         Vaccinations – ensure that the necessary vaccines are given to their pets depending on their needs. Timely vaccines prepare the body and help in preventing infections and illnesses.

·         Giving boiled water – it is safer to give boiled or purified water to dogs, as it helps them to stay clear from stomach infections which are very common during monsoons and flu season.

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