August 3, 2022 • By Dan Sinykin
The Naïf Goes to the Everything Store: On Mark McGurl’s “Everything and Less”
Dan Sinykin finds cautious hope in “Everything and Less: The Novel in the Age of Amazon” by Mark McGurl....
The Consolation of Genre: On Reading Romance Novels
Cailey Hall offers a history of the Romance genre....
Rebel Yale: Reading and Feeling “Hillbilly Elegy”
It is his refusal to speak directly about “issues” that makes J. D. Vance the new pundit for white people....
Trump and the End Times
All these years, Jack Van Impe has been preaching a certain truth. It took Trump to make it revelation...
The Illusion of Sex: On the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy
ORGASMS ARE SHORT, unfortunately. Clearly the allure of sex does not reside in its climax alone; sex is a manifold experience constantly nourished by socialized eroticism. As natural and instinctive as sex is, it’s also a highly developed form ...
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