Money raised goes to the The Rosalin Nickerson CARE Fund
BARRINGTON, NS – Before her mother’s death in 2003, Shelley d’Eon made her mom a promise.
If her mom didn’t survive her pancreatic cancer, d’Eon would do whatever sh
I got up just before six and started hiking down the hill. I saw Sniff a little bit ahead of me. I had breakfast by the Pilot Rock and saw some big birds flying around it.
As I approached Ashland the view was smoky. There is a wildfire close to the town so the whole town was smoky and li
The super-rich are preparing to ride out the apocalypse by their underground swimming pools. Ordinary Americans have bought another 20m firearms. And me? I have a broom and a butter knife
H ow long do you think you would survive if everything went to hell, civil war erupted, institution
The 10 Best ‘New Girl’ Episodes
The enduring rom-sitcom subgenre changed forever when “New Girl” walked through the front-door of 4D. On September 20, 2011, bonafide television genius Liz Meriwether — then known for the Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher-starrin
By Toby Canham In Portland, Oregon For Dailymail.Com and Andrea Cavallier For Dailymail.Com
Published: 13:23 EDT, 5 September 2022 | Updated: 20:04 EDT, 6 September 2022
In a city known for its unique neighborhoods, bike-friendly commutes, and locally-owned businesses
Ukrainian parents are writing emergency contact details on the bodies of their children to ensure their safety in case they get killed in the war.
Heartbreaking images show mothers and fathers are writing numbers on their kids’ clothes and backs so they can be rescued if they become o
A little girl is among three dead after Russia bombed a children’s and maternity hospital in Ukraine while women gave birth.
President Putin has been accused of war crimes after striking the medical facility in the southern port city of Mariupol when a ceasefire was in place.
CDT Day 57 I wake up early to the sound of traffic on the highway. I toss and turn for a bit before finally giving up and getting up. I’m not in a rush because the shoes I ordered to be delivered to town won’t show up til later today. So after coffee and updating the blog, I pac
Arrested: Brian A. DiBacco, 56, 3942 Hanlin Way, Weirton, driving under the influence, Aug. 31.
Arrested: Dustin W. Geary, 29, 471 Rockdale Road, Follansbee, domestic assault, Saturday.
Arrested: Kenneth S. U’Ren, 56, Hookstown, Pa., driving under the influence, Friday.